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Asia Lecture Tour 2.0 by Alex Pandrea and Patrick Kun – DVD


Leggi la descrizione dei contenuti qui sotto.

DVD in lingua Inglese.

Disponibilità: Disponibile

COD: 59189-2,1255-M Categoria:

Tipo Prodotto: DVD  –  Livello Difficoltà: Beginner,Intermediate –  Autore: Pandrea, Alex, Kun, Patrick

Want to learn more than card magic? This DVD explains incredible effects using not only cards, but coins, matches, and iPhones. Quite a variety!

On this DVD, you will learn:

CARD THING by Patrick Kun

– A very direct card sandwich effect that happens in the spectator’s hands.

COIN THING by Patrick Kun

– A new utility coin move that allows you to secretly transfer a coin from hand to hand without its looking like a move.

MATCH THING by Alex Pandrea

– An empty matchbook magically refills itself in the spectator’s hands. Other variations are also taught.

PHONE THING by Alex Pandrea

– An impromptu method to quickly charge your iPhone. Many presentations are also explained in this section.


– 20-minute jam session on move subtleties with Patrick Kun and Alex Pandrea.


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