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Digital Graffiti (2 DVD Set) by David Peck – DVD


Leggi la descrizione dei contenuti qui sotto.

DVD in lingua Inglese.

Disponibilità: Disponibile

COD: 43031-1.9-M Categoria:

Tipo Prodotto: DVD  –  Livello Difficoltà: Intermediate,Advanced –  Autore: Peck, David

The Sleight Of Hand Of David Peck!

David Peck is an award winning Canadian magician, public speaker, and lecturer. Digital Graffiti is David’s first DVD release. The material spans over twenty years of performing for magicians and lay audiences alike. He has written for and appeared in such respected magazines as Topps, Genii, Magic, Northern Peaks and the Linking Ring. His work is an eclectic collection of close up and stage/parlor magic. Combining self working, highly visual material with sleight-of-hand principles, his approach appeals to magicians of all shapes and sizes. The material is practical, magical and visual. Complete routines involving coins, cards, matchsticks and sugar cubes – each effect is carefully explained in a detailed and visual explicit manner.

Including Red or White. A cork is removed from a wine bottle and is clearly held in the right hand. Instantly the cork vanishes from the right hand and appears in the neck of the bottle. This is a stunner. It is easy to do and a strong opening effect.

Special Added Surprise:
Interview Segment with Jay Sankey.

Disc 1 Running Time Approximately 1hr 56min
Disc 2 Running Time Approximately 1hr 6min


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