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Incredible Magic At The Bar – Volume 4 by Michael Maxwell – DVD


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DVD in lingua Inglese.

Disponibilità: Disponibile

COD: 42321-1,635-M Categoria:

Tipo Prodotto: DVD  –  Livello Difficoltà: Beginner,Intermediate –  Autore: Maxwell, Michael

– All 6 Vol. Highlights

– Only Vol. 4 Highlights

Michael Maxwell’s Incredible Magic…Made Easy! is a multi-volume DVD series designed to teach you how to easily master and perform some of the greatest magic tricks ever created! Each set in the series covers a different and unique type of magic, such as Bar Magic, Card Magic, Coin Magic, Rope Magic, Silk Magic, Impromptu Magic, Mental Magic, Money Magic and many more!

Magic at the Bar, Volume 4 continues your journey into the incredible secrets of performing magic at the bar. Amazing magical effects that are easy to perform on either side of the bar, but are especially suitable for bartenders who wish to raise their image to a new level. Return customers are guaranteed; they will bring their friends to witness your incredible magic. Imagine the extra cash you can earn by increasing your tips… all because you have baffled and entertained them like never before!

Volume 4 also contains incredible bonus effects from some of magic’s greatest superstars:

  • Lennart Green-Whiskey/Shoe Production
  • Lennart Green-Producing Items from a Deck
  • Derek Dingle-Cigarette Through Quarter
  • Rich Marotta-Paper Strip
EXTRA BONUS! A trial version of Barware Deluxe, an amazing software program that “virtually” teaches you how to mix almost any cocktail!

SUPER BONUS! A special gaffed card needed for the 14 of Spades trick, an hilarious effect that will leave them both laughing and baffled!

Contains 23 Amazing Effects:
1. An Olive in the Hand
2. Olive & Shaker Routine
3. Party on the P-A-T-E-O (Maxwell)
4. Towel Chicken
5. Card in Shoe
6. Simple Coins Across (Maxwell)
7. Toony Angel (Maxwell)
8. Pencil through Quarter
9. Bill in Lemon
10. Card in Ice Cube
11. Nickel on Forehead
12. Levitating Salt Shaker
13. Floating Cup
14. Ring in Dinner Roll/One-Handed Knot
15. Stolen Cards (Green)
16. Laser D’Lite
17. Gift of Grab (Maxwell)
18. Whisky/Shoe Production (Green)
19. Producing Items from a Deck (Green)
20. Cigarette Through Quarter (Dingle)
21. Paper Strip (Marotta)
22. The 14 of Spades Trick
23. 3 1/2 of Clubs/ 14 of Spades/ Blank Card

Running Time Approximately 1hr 58min

Click on the following thumbnail image to get a full-size printable flyer for Incredible Magic At The Bar!

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