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The Step System Vol. 2 by Lee Smith and RSVP Magic – DVD


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DVD in lingua Inglese.

Disponibilità: Disponibile

COD: 45662-0,4578-M Categoria:

Tipo Prodotto: DVD  –  Livello Difficoltà: Intermediate –  Autore: Smith, Lee

Welcome to ‘The Step System’ the brand new two disc set from UK magician Lee Smith. So, what is ‘The Step System’? Well, it stands for Simple Tricks Extraordinary Power and proves that YOU can get fantastic reactions and make a great living performing effects that really are simple to do. The reactions on these DVDs prove it!



Just Think
You predict a card that the spectator merely thinks of and repeat the feat for an amazing kicker ending.

Business Lunch
Lee’s preferred handling for the Out to Lunch principle, leaving the spectator with the best memento they could have, your business card. The ultimate giveaway routine that’s sure to leave a lasting impression with your audience.
Key To Amazement
A self-working miracle where a thought of card is found under seemingly impossible conditions. This will freak out magicians and lay people alike!

Crazy Cuffs
A classic of magic explained. A borrowed ring jumps onto the band for a kicker ending.

Coming Together
A performance only of Paul Green’s wonderful effect where two signatures end up on the same card. If you like Anniversary Waltz you will love this. Watch Lee’s take on this for Walkaround performances.

Fifth Element
Lee’s take on Paul Harris’ ‘Whack My Pack’ plot. Sure-Fire and plays great to the largest of groups.

A brand new four ace routine, released here for the very first time! This is a multi-phase routine that you will learn and use!

Strike Two
Taking an old classic and bringing it right up-to-date, watch as Lee gets screams and gasps with this multi-phase lighter routine explained in complete detail. Another routine that you WILL USE!

Running Time Approximately: 1hr 50mins


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